26 Oct 2019, 14:48
Bit of a nightmare at the hotel with the air con yesterday evening, which rather than cooling the room heated it until it was like trying to sleep in the hot house at Kew. At midnight when it was around 30 degrees we asked for another room
19 Oct 2019, 14:37
Avoided the pork and rice for breakfast and headed off after a few slices of toast. It was raining but soon stopped as the temperature rose. Today was a lovely ride
12 Oct 2019, 11:15
Both feeling ill, we managed to get up and load the bike having first fixed an inner tube and mended the puncture from the night before
5 Oct 2019, 15:00
We passed through towns and villages marvelling at the houses made of woven reeds and the beautiful pagodas with their gold leaf where the local people were out with bowls rattling for donations.
3 Oct 2019, 14:54
It has been an amazing experience which has allowed us a privileged insight into this contrasting, contradictory and fascinating country.